Cutting / Cheese Boards (click to open)

The above board is approx. 10 3/4 x 9 2/8 x 1 1/2 inches high. The ball feet are adjustable so you can level the board on uneven surfaces. This board has extremely nice wood but the Purpleheart decided to warp very slightly so the price is lower than normal. (Purpleheart / Spalted Maple / Padauk) $60

The above board is approx.9 1/8 x 7 1/8 x 1 inch high. The button feet can be sanded for leveling. Very simple design but still one of my favorite boards because of the color. (Padauk / Canarywood) $40

The above board is approx. 12 1/2 x 7 x 1 1/2 inches tall. The button feet can be sanded for leveling. The bottom, ends and living edge sides have been coated with polyurethane to protect the living edge, the top is still coated with food grade mineral oil. (Osage Orange) $45

Medium / Large Chopping Block Boards (click to open)

Small Decorative Boards (click to open)

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